colouring books and crayons, everybody look at de moon, and my summer of love

i woke up this morning (drrn drrn, drrn DRRN!)

ahem. i woke up with nothing much on my mind except to drink a gallon of tea, tidy the internet, and take the dog out. before attending to my words with friends games i saw that my friend helen lopez had posted this drizzly graphic on her fb.

reader, i thought NOTHING of it. after all, she lives in wales, what do you expect?

WELL. i couldn’t hear any rain, so i got ready to take poppet out with yesterday’s weather in mind. sunny but blowy. long sleeves and my gilet de marche le chein. when we got outside LO there was sneaky quiet rain slithering down from the sky. when i got home i looked at the weather for the week here and found THIS on my desktop

yes! there are to be black clouds with single large droplets coming out of them all week. i do like how at 10pm tonight we are to have a little scythe in our cloud, but i know that that is just my imagination. and that, in reality, we have a great big bulbous full moon hanging in the sky. yes! it’s time to post this video again!

also gleaned from fb this morning is this video from NASA. it seems that the moon is exceptionally tidy. presumably this is like the difference between a minimalist’s house and an actual lived in home – no clutter because no life.

i digress. anyway, the point is, that as a kid, i spent most of my time outdoors. summer, winter, whatever. early childhood in the garden and later on the streets, the woods, wherever.

my brother was essentially my TOY at this point

and rainy days? why! colouring books and crayons of course! (or dressing my brother up as the virgin mary and having the toys play all the other parts)


yesterday it wasn’t rainy but i was kind of duveting. i watched a crap film called the greatest which was a heap of tripe featuring completely cardboard characters thrown into a crisis and then drifting towards an inevitable denouement of realization and resolution.

after that miserable first course i decided to watch a better film for pudding. i had acquired my summer of love after reading that lena dunham had set it as required viewing for her writing team for girls

in my summer of love you don’t know what is going to happen next most of the time. two girls meet, one shows the other her favourite bathroom, the other shows the first her favourite rock.

one lives in a big house largely unsupervised, the other lives in a now empty pub with her brother who has become ‘born again’.

not only is it an amazing film, but also it features new kid on the block natalie press who could easily play me in the film about my life. she’s currently 22. i imagine she could play 16-25 which would cover my menarche and art school years.

who wants to write it with me? we’d have to get our skates on, because she won’t stay that age forever. this scene could actually be from my life.

here’s the trailer.